русская версия
Member ofЯвляется членом
Meeting of the Federation Council Chairman Sergei Mironov with the representatives of the Multisport Association of Russia
The aspiration to perfection
The aspiration of any kind of sports - to become "Olympic", that is to enter into the program of Olympic Games - the main starts of the present.
AcrobaticAir SportAquaice sport (Cold Water Swimming)ArmwrestlingBackgammonBandyBaseball and CricketBilliardBlicsprintBridgeChessChinese Chess Xiang QiCybersportDartsDragon BoatDraughtsFloorballFly disc (Frisbee)GateballGoGorodki SportJu-JitsuKettlebell LiftingKickboxingKorfballMas-wrestlingMotorcyclingMuay taiNothern PolyathlonOrienteeringPaintballPetanque and BowlsportPoloPowerboatingPowerliftingRaftingRock-n-RollRoller SportsSamboSkateboardingSleddog SportSports FishingSumoSword Sport (Chanbara)Tatarcha Koresh WrestlingTug of WarUnderwater SportWater SkiingWrestling on BeltsWushu
General Information Partner
Information partner
Members: Dragon Boat
Associative member - Public Organization Russian Dragon Boat Federation
© Multisport Association of Russia, 2006.