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Meeting of the Federation Council Chairman Sergei Mironov with the representatives of the Multisport Association of Russia

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Documents: General meeting: MINUTES ¹ 1 15th November 2005


Constituent Assembly

Of Association of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports federations recognized IOC and other sports, not included in the Olympic Games program

Multisport Association of Russia

Moscow 15th November 2005.


Representatives of organizations-founders:

1. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Federation of Sambo – S.V. Eliseev;
2. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Federation of Gorodki Sport - J.N. Rodionov;
3. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Association of Armwrestling - A.A. Filimonov;
4. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Tug of War Federation - A.A. Kuznetsov;
5. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Underwater Federation - A.V. Arjanova;
6. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Federation of Floorball - N.U. Markov; M.P. Ragulina;
7. All-Russia Public Organization Russian League of Sport Bridge - V.V. Volina; T.V. Ponomareva;
8. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Go (Baduk) Federation - V.L. Goltsman;
9. All-Russia Public Organization Russian Federation of sport acrobatic - A.V. Kylasov;
10. All-Russia Public Organization Association of Sleddog sports - V.K. Gromov; A.L. Romanovich;
11. All-Russia Public Organization Powerboating Federation of Russia - S.D. Koroshenko.

Invited persons:
Representatives of juridical persons:

1. International Union of public organizations «International Federation of Blizsprint» - V.V. Hudyakov; B.N. Shestakov
2. Public Organization Polo Federation of Russia – A.O. Rodzyanko.
3. Public Organization Russian Dragon Boat Federation - N. Korjavyi

Physical persons:

1. V.S. Katrenko – Deputy of the Chairman of State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation.
2. J.V. Avdeev – Deputy of the Head of Federal agency of sport and physical culture.
3. A.A. Novotochinov – Co-chairman of Committee of national and non-Olympic sports of Russia.


1. About establishing of Association of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games “Multisport Association of Russia” (further Association)
2. About approval of the Regulations of Association.
3. About election of the residence of constantly working governing body of Association – Executive Committee (EXCO).
4. About conclusion of Constituent Agreement.
5. About election of governing and revision bodies of Association.

LISTENED: information of J.N. Rodionov and A.A. Kuznetsov about the agenda of constituent conference, founders of Association, goals and aims of Association.

1. Approve the agenda of Constituent Assembly.
2. Elect working presidium of 3 persons for the conference:
- Co-chairmen of the conference: J.H. Rodionov, A.A. Kuznetsov;
- Secretary of the conference – A.V. Kylasov.

Voted “for” unanimously.

1. About establishing of Association of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games “Multisport Association of Russia”.

LISTENED: J.H. Rodionov, A.A. Kuznetsov; A.V. Kylasov.

DECIDED: to establish in prescribed manner Association of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games “Multisport Association of Russia”.

Voted “for” unanimously.

2. About approval of the Regulations of Association.

LISTENED: A.A. Kuznetsov

DECIDED: to approve, with taking into consideration all discussed aspects, the Regulations of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games “Multisport Association of Russia” (attached).

Voted “for” unanimously.

3. About election of the residence of constantly working governing body of Association – EXCO.

LISTENED: A.A. Kuznetsov

DECIDED: to chose the address of the residence of EXCO: 129223, Moscow, Prospect Mira, 119, 521

Voted “for” unanimously.

4. About conclusion of Constituent Agreement.

LISTENED: A.A. Kuznetsov

DECIDED: to conclude Ēąźėž÷čņü Constituent Agreement of Association in accordance to the legislation of Russian Federation.

Voted “for” unanimously.

5. About election of governing and revision bodies of Association.

About election of the President of Association

LISTENED: A.A. Kuznetsov. Proposed candidature of J.N. Rodionov

DECIDED: to elect J.N. Rodionov as the President of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games “Multisport Association of Russia”.

Voted “for” unanimously.

About election of the 1st Vice-president

LISTENED: J.N. Rodionov

DECIDED: to elect A.A. Kuznetsov as the 1st Vice-president of Association.

Voted “for” unanimously.

About election of Vice-presidents of Association

LISTENED: J.N. Rodionov. Candidatures of S.V. Eliseev and A.V. Arjanova are proposed.

DECIDED: to elect S.V. Eliseev and A.V. Arjanova as Vice-presidents of Association. The post of the 3rd Vice-president is vacant.

Voted “for” unanimously.

About election of General Secretary of Association

LISTENED: J.N. Rodionov
Proposed candidature of A.V. Kylasov

DECIDED: to elect A.V. Kylasov as the General Secretary

Voted “for” unanimously.

About election of revision body of Association

LISTENED: J.N. Rodionov. Proposed candidature of V.V. Volina

DECIDED: to elect V.V. Volina as the reviser of Association

Voted “for” unanimously.

About election of EXCO

LISTENED: J.N. Rodionov

1. To take into consideration the fact that, according to p.8.13 of the Regulations, the constantly working collective body of Association is EXCO.
2. To elect J.N. Rodionov (the President), A.A. Kuznetsov (the 1st Vice-president), S.V. Eliseev (Vice-president), AV. Arjanova (Vice-president), A.V. Kylasov (General Secretary).

Voted “for” unanimously.

Co-chairmen of Constituent Assembly:
J.N. Rodionov
A.A. Kuznetsov

The secretary of Constituent Assembly:
A.V. Kylasov

ARISF - Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations IWGA - International World Games Association IMSA - International Mind Sports Association Ministry of sports, turism and youth politics All-Russia Public Organization Sport Russia Office comfort group

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