Official partner of Russian Olympic Committee

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TAFISAISCA - International Sport and Culture Association

Meeting of the Federation Council Chairman Sergei Mironov with the representatives of the Multisport Association of Russia

The aspiration to perfection

The aspiration of any kind of sports - to become "Olympic", that is to enter into the program of Olympic Games - the main starts of the present.

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Information partner


Documents: Agreements: ARISF

Memorandum of Understanding
Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations (ARISF)
The Multisport Association of Russia (MAR)

The Association of IOC Recognized International Sports Federations (ARISF) and the Multisport Association of Russia (MAR) share the same value of promoting physical activities and sport for the well-being of society. ARISF and MAR recognize the importance of the Olympic movement and agree to support each other and provide assistance based on the principles outlined in the Memorandum.

ARISF unites International Sports Federations recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and recognizes the importance of these sports at the national level, fully recognizing the autonomy of the International Sports Federations with regard to the jurisdiction of their sport.

MAR unites IOC recognized sports federations at national level in the Russian Federation. MAR has the intention to further develop the sports program of the sports federations that are a member of ARISF with the help and in partnership with ARISF, fully recognizing the autonomy of the recognized international and national sports federations with regard to the jurisdiction of their sport

ARISF, as an organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee, will provide its expertise when needed and will maintain its cooperation with MAR, the International World Games Association, and other events coordination and relations with International Federations, and will help to promote and provide assistance through the transfer of knowledge.

MAR recognizes the importance for athletes and officials in all recognized IOC sports to participate as a part of national federations and will therefore implement this concept in future activities, promote national federations and take part in the creation of new national federations for ARISF member International Federations, where requested by the appropriate International Sports Federation.

MAR will only partner with organizations that fully respect the jurisdiction of the International Sports Federations recognized by the IOC with regard to their sport, and hence will refrain from any relationship with organizations that organize sports events without the appropriate involvement of the relevant recognized International Sports Federation.

Done in Moscow, Russia, 20-th day of January 2009, in two originals in the English language.

Dr. Jan Fransoo
ARISF President

Alexander Kuznetsov
MAR First Vice-President

ARISF - Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations IWGA - International World Games Association IMSA - International Mind Sports Association Ministry of sports, turism and youth politics All-Russia Public Organization Sport Russia Office comfort group

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