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Meeting of the Federation Council Chairman Sergei Mironov with the representatives of the Multisport Association of Russia

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The aspiration of any kind of sports - to become "Olympic", that is to enter into the program of Olympic Games - the main starts of the present.

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Documents: Agreements: Russian Olympic Committee


February, 21 Moscow

The All-Russian Union of Physical Culture and Sport Associations “The Russian Olympic Committee” hereinafter referred as “The Committee” in the person of the President Leonid Vasilyevich Tyagachyov acting on the basis of the Charter on the one part, and the Union of the All-Russian Social Associations of sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee and other sports not included in the Olympic program – the Multisport Association of Russia herein after referred as the Association in the person of the President Yuri Nikolaevich Rodionov, acting on the basis of the Charter on the other part, both parties hereinafter referred as “the Parties”, concluded the present agreement on the following:

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The subject of the present agreement in the interaction of the Parties on promoting the development of the sports not included in the Olympic Games program, regulating other relationships emerging during the Parties’ activity in the sphere of physical culture and sport.
1.2. The interaction of the Parties’ is executed according to the legislation of Russian Federation, the Olympic Charter and other enactments, Charter of the Parties and on the basis of the present agreement.

2. Obligations of the Parties.
2.1. The Committee undertakes the obligations to:
2.1.1 Consult the Association concerning the questions of the international sport connections.
2.1.2. In the bounds of its objectives and opportunities assist the Association in organization and holding physical culture and sport events in sports not included in the Olympic Games program.
2.1.3. Inform the Association:
-about important questions and problems of the international and national Olympic movement;
-about the events interesting to both Parties held by the Committee.
2.2. The association undertakes the obligations to:
2.2.1. Promote fundamental principles and values of the Olympic movement as far as its possibilities allow.
2.2.2. Invite the representatives of the Committee to participate in the sessions of the administrative bodies and events held by the association (seminars, meetings, commissions, round-tables etc.)
2.2.3. Inform the Committee about:
- about the physical culture and sport events on sports not included on the Olympic program held by the Association;
- results of the participation of its representatives in the sessions og the international sport associations;
- changes in the administrative body of the Association.
2.3. The Parties undertake the obligations to:
2.3.1. Work at the improving the system of the propaganda of physical culture and sport among different categories of people, strengthening the role of sport in forming healthy lifestyle and active leisure.
2.3.2. Assist:
- To the development of sports not included in the Olympic Program among different groups of people, in particular children and youth;
- In observance of the legislation of Russian Federation regarding the questions of struggle against dope, provisions of the World Anti-Dope Code and anti-dope rules passed for its development;
- In coverage and popularization the cooperative activity in the bounds of the present agreement in mass media.

3. Responsibility of the Parties.
3.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations of the present agreement according to present legislation of Russian Federation.

4. Contingencies.
4.1. The Parties will be free from the responsibility for non-fulfillment the obligations under this contract if this non-fulfillment is a result of force-majeure circumstances.

5. Validity of the agreement.
5.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid till December, 31 2009.
5.2. If any of the Parties does not inform the other party about the intentions to annul the Agreement before 2 moths before the validity of the Agreement ends, the present Agreement will be prolonged for 4 more years.
5.3. The Agreement can be amended or modified if the Parties agree upon it, on condition that a Party informs the other Party about the amendments not later than before 1 month.
5.4. All the changes and supplements to the present agreement are made in the written form and are signed by representatives of the Parties.
5.5. The present agreement is issued in two exemplars: one for each of the Parties. Both exemplars have equal legal force.

6. Legal addresses and Signatures of the Parties.

The All-Russian Union of Physical Culture and Sport Associations
“The Russian Olympic Committee”

President Leonid Vasilyevich Tyagachyov


the Union of the All-Russian Social Associations of sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee and other sports not included in the Olympic program
“The Multisport Association of Russia”

President Yuri Nikolaevich Rodionov.

ARISF - Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations IWGA - International World Games Association IMSA - International Mind Sports Association Ministry of sports, turism and youth politics All-Russia Public Organization Sport Russia Office comfort group

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