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Meeting of the Federation Council Chairman Sergei Mironov with the representatives of the Multisport Association of Russia

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Documents: Executive committee: MINUTES ¹5 9th November 2006



Of Association of All-Russia Public Organizations of sports, recognized by IOC, but not included in the program of Olympic Games

Multisport Association of Russia

Moscow 9th November 2006

Altogether 5 members


Rodionov Jury Nickolaevich, the President
Kuznetsov Alexander Alexandrovch, the 1st Vice-president
Arjanova Anna Viktorovna, Vice-president
Eliseev Sergey Vladimirovich, Vice-president
Kylasov Alexey Valerievich, General Secretary

Quorum is mustered


1. About fixing the date of the General Meeting meeting of the members of the Multisport Association of Russia for December, 15 2006.

2. About making up agenda for the General Meeting: 1) the Executive Committee members’ report; 2) establishment of the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees; 3) admission of new members to the association; 4) any other business.

3. About the establishing the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees.

1. A. V. Kylasov addressed the meeting to fix the date of the General Meeting of the members of the Multisport Association of Russia for December, 15 2006.

Voted “for” unanimously.

DECISION: fix the date of the General Meeting of the members of the Multisport Association of Russia for December, 15 2006.

2. S. V. Eliseev proposed to make up the agenda of the General Meeting including in it the following points: 1) the Executive Committee members’ report; 2) establishment of the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees; 3) admission of new members to the association; 4) any other business.

Voted “for” unanimously.

DECISION: make up the agenda for the General Meeting: 1) the Executive Committee members’ report; 2) establishment of the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees; 3) admission of new members to the association; 4) any other business.

3. A. A. Kuznetsov put forth the suggestion to establish the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees.

Voted “for” unanimously.

DECISION: charge A. A. Kuznetsov with preparing a suggestion of defining the amount and order of the entrance and membership fees for its further approval at the General Meeting.

The Chairman of EXCO: (J.N. Rodionov)

EXCO Secretary: (A.V. Kylasov)

ARISF - Association of Recognized IOC International Sports Federations IWGA - International World Games Association IMSA - International Mind Sports Association Ministry of sports, turism and youth politics All-Russia Public Organization Sport Russia Office comfort group

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